Thursday, 10 November 2016

Unethical norms create depression which hinders the evolution of thoughts

A Depressed Person
There exists a secret to be revealed as it seems to be the giant conundrum. The dilemma of our society in the scorching heat of depression and anxiety merely inhabits a furtive fact that is unfortunately not unwrapped by human psyche by unravelling the knots of quarrelling thoughts being collided within the container of the human brain and isn’t usually overtly divulged to curb the intensity. The fact is framed up by comprehending all the causes propelling the society towards such a grim situation which comprises of all psychological effects like depression and anxieties caused by the behavioural activities and moral based values being audaciously overlooked.
The depression takes the charge and governs over the minds with its malicious influences. The question arises how depression produces and adversely affects and how the problem can be got over and cured soundly. Therefore, I have sorted out root causes which propagate the wave of depression in order to eradicate the evil.
If we have a look over our surroundings and society, we observe all where tumult and turmoil. Everyone is in a quest of his desires and is avidly striving to approach his lust and struggling hard to make his life better and luxurious whether by hooks or crooks. We’ve switched our lives from simple to complex mode. No one even tries to care about other. There seems to be selfishness everywhere. Hatreds are getting promoted. Most of the people behave in an inappropriate way and tend to be coarse. The brazenly inappropriate aspect of conduct by one side is not considered interacting with others as if concealed behind the curtain but is instantly taken into view when unleashing from another party. The disparaging pattern of talking style with the texture of mockery has rooted its seed swiftly which makes the environment endowed in anxieties. The sole cause behind it is gradually dominating misconduct with each other.

Tolerance has now become the lost and anonymous thing in our society.

As here sharing with you my own experience, I realise and consider it the problem of everyone. I find myself often sitting with my friend making routine gossips or conversing over the serious topic. Often confronting over the difference of opinion, one of us tends to be ignorantly abrasive just to make his stance accepted. We often allegedly talk to each other and sometimes utter the harshness and disparage each other and then we get depressed and dismayed by the exchanging coarse attitude.
It often baffles and exasperates me when someone slanders me, denigrates me and throw even a single allegation over me that’s fallacious. I get agonised and tormented by the scathing remarks uttered by someone against me which then brings depression. Everyone now experiences the same case because tolerance has now become the lost and anonymous thing in our society.
Furthermore, another major cause dropping the growth of mentality is also the deterioration (depression) made by the evil intentions among the community. Depression always makes the thoughts wrestle with each other. Consequently, the thoughts get frozen with orthodoxy and we don’t even try to escape from the particular conventional mindset similar to net or shield around leaving no option to peer out.
As a result of depression usually caused by unethical behaviour shown by others, trammeled thoughts doesn’t let one extricate from the generating befuddlement and therefore staunch the evolutionary flow of probable solutions and innovative ideas which could not be conceived before its refine remedy. This envisages a society dull and doleful leaving the powerless and potential free impact over it.
Having no idea that the downfall of thoughts explicitly drives over the road of constant hardships and even failures, most people being the victim of depression sometimes remain unwilling to abandon the conventions and keep on going with them and deprive themselves of the novel thoughts. Hence, the evolution of innovative and creative thoughts remains suppressed and the outcomes don’t behave in the favours.

Having known the causes, we can lead towards its remedy and solution which is favourable to the healthy society. This contentious issue needs to be identified and resolved as it obstructs the way to better growth which is tremendously perilous to the advancement of society. Depression drifts away when the notions become correspondent to the moral and ethical norms. Ethics and good moral norms come forth from planting the seed of tolerance, love and compassion in hearts. The tenderness in behaviours is the essential demand of time as the ethical landscape of the society is crucial to its wellbeing. As a result, thoughts become clear and transparent like pure water.

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